Behavioral Factors

Behavioral Factors
1 question out of 39 has been autopopulated and highlighted in green in this section. Please review below and save.

1. Daily Activity Factor (Physical Activity)

(i). How many days a week do you usually exercise? *

(ii). On days when you exercise, for how long do you usually exercise? *

(iii). How intense is your typical exercise? *

2. Fitness Assessment

(i). Body composition

(ii). Cardiovascular Endurance

(iii). Strength & Strength Endurance

(iv). Muscular Strength Endurance

(v). Flexibility

3. Smoking/Tobacco Use

(i). Do you currently smoke cigarettes or use other types of tobacco?*

(ii). Are you a former smoker?*

(iii). If you quit smoking, how long ago did you quit smoking cigarettes? *

(iv). Do you use these other tobacco products?*

4. Second Hand Smoke

Are you often exposed to people smoking near you at home or at work? *

5. Alcohol Use

(i). Are you currently pregnant?*

(ii). In a typical week, how many days do you drink alcohol? *

(iii). On days when you drink alcohol, how many alcoholic drinks do you consume? *

(iv). In a typical week, how often do you have 5 or more alcoholic drinks on one occasion? *

6. Drugs

How often do you use prescription drugs or other drugs that help you relax or can affect your mood?*

7. Nutrition

(i). Fruits

On a typical day, how many servings of fruits do you eat? (1 medium piece of fruit such as orange or banana, 1 cup of fresh fruits, ½ cup cooked fruits, 1 cup = size of a baseball)*

(Last picked from Health Actions - Intuitive Plate as on Sep 17, 2016)

(ii). Vegetables

On a typical day, how many servings of vegetables do you eat? (1 serving = 1 cup of fresh vegetables, ½ cup of cooked vegetables, 2 cups of greens, 8 oz. (1 cup) vegetable juice1 cup = size of a baseball)*

(iii). Proteins

On a typical day, how many servings of proteins do you eat? (1/2 cup of tofu, peas or beans, 1 vegetarian burger, 2 eggs, 2 oz. (1 cup) lean meat, poultry or fish, 1 deck of card size hamburger)*

(iv). Whole Grains

On a typical day, how many servings of high fiber or whole grain foods do you eat? (1 serving = 1 slice of 100% whole wheat bread, 1 cup of whole-grain or high-fiber ready-to-eat cereal, ½ cup of cooked cereal such as oatmeal, or ½ cup of cooked brown rice or whole wheat pasta)*

(v). Fats

On a typical day, how many servings of fried or high-fat foods do you eat? (Examples include fried chicken, fried fish, bacon, French fries, potato chips, corn chips, doughnuts, creamy salad dressings, and foods made with whole milk, cream, cheese, or mayonnaise)*

(vi). Treats/Sweets

On a typical day, how many servings of 'treats/sweets' do you eat? (Examples include for desserts: 1 candy, 1 cookie, ½ cup ice cream, 1 small piece of cake or pie; or 8 oz. soft drinks, 2 Tbsp jelly or syrup)*

(vii). Water

On a typical day, how many cups (8 oz.) of water do you drink?*

(viii). Milk

On a typical day, how many cups (8 oz.) of low-fat milk or non-fat milk do you drink?*

8. Motor Vehicle Safety

(i). Do you always fasten your seat belt when you are in the car?*

(ii). Do you ever drive after drinking, or ride with a driver who has been drinking?*

9. Helmets

Do you always wear a helmet when on a bicycle, motorcycle, skiing etc.?*

10. Sun Exposure

Do you protect yourself from the sun when you are outdoors?*

11. Social Determinants of Health

(i). Marital Status*

(ii). Do you currently Live Alone?*

(iii). Do you often feel lonesome?*

(iv). Are you currently a Single Parent?*

(v). Have you had a Serious Relationship Problems within the past 12 months?*

(vi). Have you had a Personal Crisis within the past 12 months?*

(vii). Do you currently living in an area that is considered high in crime?*

(viii). Do you view your current dwelling to be crowded?*

(ix). Are you currently caring for an Elderly Parent?*

(x). Have you been victim of "Domestic Violence/Abuse" within the past 12 months?*