Biographical Information

Biographical Information
1 question out of 15 has been autopopulated and highlighted in green in this section. Please review below and save.

1. Race/Ethnicity *

2. Your Immediate Family Health History (Father, Mother, Brother(s) and Sister(s)). Mark Yes or No if any of the following is present before the age of 65 in women, 55 in men *

3. Your Personal Health History *

4. Medication (Are you regularly taking medication for the following?)*

5. Prevention

(i). Have you had the recommended health preventive screening exams? *

(ii). Annual physical exam within the last 1-2 years *

(iii). Annual Flu Immunization *

(iv). Dental exam within the last year *

(v). Blood Pressure screening within the last year (Eligible Age ≥ 18) *

(Last picked from your Profile as on 01/01/1970)

(vi). Cholesterol screening within the last 2-5 years (Male age ≥ 35 or Female ≥ 45) *

(vii). Colon Cancer screening the last 5 years (Age ≥ 50) *

(Last picked from your Profile as on 01/01/1970)

(viii). Mammography screening within the last 2 years? (Female age ≥ 40) *

(ix). Pap test screening the last 3 years? (Female age ≥ 18 and ≤ 65) *

(x). Have you ever received a Tetanus immunization? *